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Wow, the primary mechanic is surprisingly fresh and fun to learn. When I first figured out how the falling worked and how I could pac-man over to the other side it put a smile on my face. Good work!

Thanks for playing :D I appreciate it!

The game looks cool, but I can’t open it


Hi! From what I can see, your browser might have WebGL 2 disabled. Try enabling WebGL 2 for your browser and try again. Let me know if there's still any issues!

I tried to activate it, but it still didn’t work, I think there is a problem with my GPU, my friend makes games in godot, and I’ve had this kind of problem, but he learned how to export it in a way that I can play, I don’t know exactly how, he had commented something like: “it must be a godot 4 error”, “there are 3 modes, one of them causes the bug”


I found this


(1 edit)

That's weird, I genuinely have no idea. I checked my WebGL settings, I have "WebGL Developer Extensions" and "WebGL Draft Extensions" disabled. For "Enables Display Compositor" I have it in default. The last thing I can think of would be check if your browser has "Hardware Acceleration" enabled.

I'm sorry, I don't have any ideas how to solve this if what I mention above doesn't work. 

Are you using AMD gpu by any chance?

I thought hardware acceleration helped, but I noticed that when I disabled it THE GAME JUST WORKED?????

I don’t know exactly why but well, I loved the game’s graphics, the idea is quite interesting too, and the game is very easy to learn, congrats for the team ^^


I'm glad that it's fixed! I hope you'll enjoy playing it and thanks for letting me know about the issue you've encountered. I appreciate it!